Autorun reimage never triggers enrollmentComplete Policies

Valued Contributor III

I was looking at redoing the High School Library imacs during this weeks spring break when I was noticing a behavior that doesn't quite help.

I set the group of imacs with AutoRun data to erase the drive, reimage with a 10.11.4 image, then reboot to target drive. Once this completes the machine never gets re-enrolled. I have a ton of items on enrollment complete, but they never trigger during autorun imaging. If I delete the autorun details and manually image the machine with all the same settings, it works as expected, triggering the enrollment complete policies.

Anyone seen this? Is this expected behavior?
Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Princeton Public Schools

Contributor II

This has been a thorn in our side for quite some time. The short answer is that in order for this to work correctly, you will need to add a quickadd package to your imaging configuration and set to install on boot drive after imaging.