Await Configuration Support

Contributor II

This is a topic that's come up a bunch lately in regards to customized DEP deployment workflows. Jamf has been relatively silent about it though.

Can we expect support in the next few releases? Is it on any roadmap in the near term? If not, why does Jamf feel it's not important when other MDM vendors support it? This is becoming a more and more important DEP feature as we do things like use custom login windows (NoMAD Login) as part of our process. I feel like maybe there's an internal debate around whether Jamf should allow installing or monitoring installation of anything other than their binary at DEP setup assistant. Whatever the case may be, I think communicating something is better than keeping their customers in the dark. Multiple feature requests with plenty of upvotes back me up. Add your voice by upvoting here:

When will Jamf speak up on this?


Valued Contributor

Ditto, yes, up the vote AND call your TAM on the telephone and let them know we need this support to properly manage the DEP machine provisioning experience.