Azure Active Directory ID colums are empty

New Contributor II

Hi All,

I did integration between Intune with JAMF pro with could connect. Both sides the connections show as the active state. But mac machines "Machine Azure Active Directory ID" , "User Azure Active Directory ID" and "conditional access inventory state" are empty. 

I followed below steps and the connections showing as active. may I know any other steps need to be done to get the machine Azure ID in JAMF.?

1. created app registration from Azure
2. Created conditional access from JAMF ( Global settings -> Conditional Access) 
3. Partner device management the connection showing as active 


Esteemed Contributor

My first recommendation is to give up on the MEM and JAMF Connector. Its not worth the effort and Microsoft has no idea how to support it. 


From your post it looks like you got everything setup for the servers to talk. Have you install the comp portal and run the registration policy from JAMF SS? The way Microsoft has this setup, a user must log in to the comp portal on a Mac and register the device with Azure. Once that is done the Comp Portal will start syncing data to MEM and Azure.