Posted on 06-25-2008 12:56 AM
Has anyone had any luck with creating a package for either of these
BASC is what our psychologists use for testing and CompuTrace is lojack
for laptops.
For some reason BASC will only install/update if the user is an admin.
The CompuTrace installer needs to be installed either as root or using
sudo, it is command line. I was wondering how it would deploy if I used
composer to create the package.
Thanks, Shawn
Liverpool Central School District
Computer Services
Liverpool, NY 13090
(315) 622-7150
Posted on 06-25-2008 01:01 PM
We use Computrace and we had a package built for us and it works.
Thomas Larkin
TIS Department
tlarki at
cell: 913-449-7589
office: 913-627-0351
Posted on 06-25-2008 01:18 PM
"Thomas Larkin" <tlarki at> writes: We use Computrace and we had a package built for us and it works.
Who built your package? Casper, Computrace or internal.
Thanks, Shawn
Liverpool Central School District
Computer Services
Liverpool, NY 13090
(315) 622-7150
Posted on 06-25-2008 01:29 PM
Our Apple SE built the package, and it is a PKG file and I just embed it
into the images.
Thomas Larkin
TIS Department
tlarki at
cell: 913-449-7589
office: 913-627-0351
Posted on 06-25-2008 01:32 PM
I would think it should deploy thru Casper w/o issue. I have installed
it using ARD to the local admin acct.
Mark Hughes, Apple Technician
TIS Department, KCKPS USD500
Cell 913-449-7791
mahughe at