Posted on 09-09-2016 06:29 AM
I am looking to use the scep_daemon --status command in a bash script and this is new to me. Running from a Terminal it works. Running in a Bash script it never outputs any information. Any advice would be appreciated.
This is what I currently have setup in the script.
echo "<result>$(echo /Applications/System Center Endpoint --status | grep 'StartupScanAfterLogon')</result>"
Posted on 09-09-2016 07:00 AM
See what you get with this one..
echo "<result>$(echo /Applications/System Center Endpoint --status 2>&1 | grep 'StartupScanAfterLogon')</result>"
Posted on 11-07-2016 06:56 AM
Will it be possible to read different content of this file and run a compliance rule in SCCM to check if the patterns is up to date or infection occurred...
Appreciate your help..
Posted on 11-07-2016 06:56 AM
Hi All,
Good News for those whose looking for similar solution. I have successfully get the trick on how to make this working via a Compliance Settings in SCCM.
Since the SCEP has a file which records all the status /Applications/ .scep/Contents/MacOS/scep_daemon --status
The trick is to pick each line within the file and create a Compliance Value against the line that has been picked.
I have created a shell script to fetch AVSigsVer and a Configuration Item to match anything that Contains the same version(Number)
/Applications/.scep/Contents/MacOS/scep_daemon --status | grep 'AVSigsVer'
In SCCM i have created a configuration item rule to load the shell script and Data Type as (String) and Compliance Rule as Contains 1439
Then created a Compliance Rule that will run the Configuration Item against the Device Collection (MAC)
This works 100% correct, because the script goes through the whole machines within this Collection and match the Value which has been inserted into the Compliance Rule (Contains 1439).
I'm working on similar scripts to fetch the RTPStatistics and ScanStatistics against any virus infection.