Best method to remove/delete multiple files using JSS

New Contributor


Apologies if this has already been asked and answered. If so can you please link the discussion for me.

I'm new to Casper/JAMF and have been trying to finding out a way to remove multiple outdated Cisco VPN profiles from all of our Macs using Policies. I know that I can create a Policy that will "Delete file if found" in the Files and Processes configuration, but is there a way to delete multiple files using only 1 configured policy?



Honored Contributor II

You can use the "execute command" section with rm /path/to/file1 && rm /path/to/file2... etc.

You'll need to scope it to the specific computers you need, to avoid deleting the files on the wrong ones.

New Contributor

Thanks for the quick reply david. Unfortunately I'm struggling a bit to configure the execute command section. I even tried just doing 1 file but still can't get the file to delete. I've scoped it to a smart group that I have the computer added to. Thoughts what I might be doing wrong?

The file is located in 10.10.5/opt/cisco/anyconnect/profile