Honored Contributor II

Joined: February 2012

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Hi all, During the MACADUK conference in London next week, we'll be hosting a live streamed Q & A discussing Apple in the enterprise. This will be hosted by JAMF Software’s Gib Chan and me Tuesday 16:00 GMT 08:00 PST As Apple adoption is growing with...
Hi all, Just wanted to let you all know that this coming February, Amsys will be hosting the UK's first conference for Mac Admins, developers and business leaders, in London. Sponsored by JAMF Software, the conference will be held over 2 days, with g...
Would be good to hear your experiences upgrading to the new version, good or bad!
It's been noted that we shouldn't use the Often key in custom profiles. If we need to manage a third party plist where the "always" option is incompatible, and we need to ensure the setting is persistent, any ideas what should be used instead?
Hi all, Silly cosmetic issue but I wondered if there was a simple solution I was missing. When you first setup a JSS, the inventory view only shows one column (computer name). You can go to computer management settings > Inventory display and add mor...
Apple sys admin working for moof IT in the UK. [http://www.moof-it.co.uk/blog/ ](http://www.moof-it.co.uk/blog/)
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