Posted on 11-20-2015 03:45 AM
Hi All,
Is there a way for the JSS to help me block all public / open wi-fi networks?
We do not want our devices to join them (OS X and iOS).
I have not found it, but maybe you guys can help :).
Posted on 11-20-2015 05:09 AM
If the users don't have admin rights on the Mac, you can use the "Require administrator authorization to:" and select the "Change networks" located in Network settings-> Advanced.
Posted on 11-20-2015 08:14 AM
@Johnny.Kim what would require you to do go through every laptop manually correct?
Posted on 11-20-2015 08:19 AM
@EliasG you could create a configuration profile and restrict the Network preferences pane. As long as you have a config profile scoped to all the devices to connect to a specific network, this should work fine.
Posted on 11-20-2015 08:21 AM
There's a way to set all those settings with command line options, maybe a way to do the same with a Config profile but I don't know. BTW, just restricting the Network Pref Pane will not be sufficient, because changing wireless networks can be done from the Wi-Fi menubar item if its there.
Let me look up the Terminal commands to set those options and post back. Unless someone beats me to it.
Posted on 11-20-2015 08:55 AM
Ok, found it. Here's a command that will check the box in the Network Preference Pane > Advanced for Wi-Fi labeled
Require administrator authorization to: Change networks
sudo /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport prefs RequireAdminNetworkChange=YES
As long as clients are not local admins, once that option is enabled, if they try to switch to another network than what they are configured to join thru a Config Profile, they'll get prompted to enter an admin password, which they won't have (hopefully)
A few other prefs you can set with the airport utility that may be interesting to you are:
RequireAdminIBSS Sets the option on to require admin to create new networks RequireAdminPowerToggle Sets the option on to require admin to turn Wi-Fi on or off
The only thing I'm not clear on is if a reboot is needed or log out/in to have the setting correctly apply. You'll have to experiment with that I guess. I don't know if its possible to have this setting included in a profile.
Posted on 11-20-2015 09:57 AM
@Johnny.Kim @mm2270 Thanks for the help!
Sorry for not being more clear earlier.
I would still like them to be able to change network to f.e. their home wi-fi (if it has WPA2 protection)
Just not have them connect to any public / open wi-fi networks.
Posted on 11-20-2015 10:30 AM I've tried that, then we run into problems when teachers bring laptops home and can't join home wifi lol.