Box as a casper deploy

Valued Contributor II

Hey All,

Came across this the other day.

Wanted to say thanks to Bryson.

Up and working great!




Contributor II

Great to hear! Be sure to let us know how its working out for you.

Contributor II
Contributor II

Other than one Adobe CS Package, everything i have will fit under the 5gb limit. So trying this...

Contributor II
Contributor II

worked as advertised! This is great for our smaller offices that i don't have the internal bandwidth to come back to our master JSS, and they are too cheap to put in a local distro point. - Awesome. thanks Bryson!

Contributor II
Contributor II

Having one small issue, some of my pkg and mpkg files appear as folders on Box, which i usually see if it put the file up to an FTP site, but when i bring it down local, its fine. Because of this, i'm not able to deploy these with Casper. many other pkg or mpkg files are working though. if i can get all the kinks worked out this a huge win.

This looks like maybe a resource has been stripped out during the Box Sync ( or FTP up.. ive done both methods. ) Any suggestions?

Contributor III

@mmdowjones turn them into flat pkgs, and you shouldn't have that problem.

Contributor II
Contributor II

@RPG, I tried using pkgutil --flatten on a test .pkg and it killed it.... can anyone point me in a direction on a non lethal conversion technique or tool?

I'm also assuming if this is the case .mpkg files are not gonna go at all.

Legendary Contributor III

You can't convert old style bundle packages into flat packages with pkgutil that I'm aware of. The internal structure of the two types are actually different and the pkgutil command expects to see the structure of a flat package to use the flatten command.

I hate to say it, but the older packages may need to be converted with something like Composer, unless there are other tools that can do it (certainly possible) Keep in mind that flat packages don't support certain script types, postflight, for example, so any embedded scripts might need to be ported over to the supported types as well.

Edit: Here's one article that explains some of the internal file structure differences between the metapackage, bundle .pkg and flat .pkg formats:

Contributor III

i used to roll flat pkgs with luggage + pkgbuild that included postflight scripts. it's easy enough to do.