Posted on 08-28-2013 04:40 AM
JSS9 converted each section of a smart computer group (Computer info, Location info etc.) into separate sections whitin brackets and an AND between them.
That sounds right, but it treats the AND as an OR in my case, which means that computers are attached to policies that they aren't supposed to be attached to if just one of the conditions are true.
Are others experiencing the same?
And is it only possible to add criterias to a smart group at the end now? In 8.x you could add criterias where you wanted them.
Posted on 08-28-2013 03:50 PM
@lunddal - yes it looks like any criteria is added at the end of the existing list. Not so bad with the addition of ( ) and and/or logic. You should be able to configure the group criteria without worrying about the order anymore... As long as you have your () right...
I've noticed that my smart groups came over erratically. Some were fine, some ands were converted to ors. I have noticed that the and/or that was brought over are immutable. New ones can be deleted.
Manually fixing the logic for the group criteria or recreating the group entirely works, but this is not a practical solution.
Posted on 08-28-2013 03:50 PM
@lunddal - yes it looks like any criteria is added at the end of the existing list. Not so bad with the addition of ( ) and and/or logic. You should be able to configure the group criteria without worrying about the order anymore... As long as you have your () right...
I've noticed that my smart groups came over erratically. Some were fine, some ands were converted to ors. I have noticed that the and/or that was brought over are immutable. New ones can be deleted.
Manually fixing the logic for the group criteria or recreating the group entirely works, but this is not a practical solution.