Calendar issues (Exchange 2013, Outlook for Mac, Outlook for Windows, iOS devices stack)

New Contributor II

Our calendar stack consists of Exchange 2013, Outlook for Mac and Outlook for Windows and ipad, iphone iOS devices. We have been experiencing calendar issues where meetings in the creators calendar disappear but not in the invitees calendar. For example, the PA's appointments in her calendar (Outlook for Windows) just seem to disappear but still exist in her charges' diaries (a mixture of Macs and Windows users), which means she can't move or amend them. Her Outlook (Windows 7) is quite crashy as well. That is one example but there are others experiencing similar pain points.

IT Staff are saying that we have been having more calendar issues since the Macs started being deployed in the company. We have also moved onto Exchange 2013 in the last month or so.

Is anyone else having weird calendar sync issues and anomalies with PA's managing Executives calendars or similar? It seems to effect recurring appointments the most where a recurring appointment can be cancelled for invitees but not from the senders calendar (managed by his PA) without the sender realising that a cancellation has been sent out. The sender (Executive) attends the meeting but none of the invitees turn up for the meeting because they thought the meeting had been cancelled because of the cancellation notice.

Not sure best methods for troubleshooting such weirdness or why this is happening - any advice on that front would be much appreciated. Not sure why having Macs in the Enterprise can cause such calendar anomalies to happen.

Also, is there anything else that can be used in the Enterprise other than Exchange calendars BUT that has advanced business calendar functionality? I am not looking for a one-man band open source project which is likely to disappear within a year though but a business class calendar product with advanced features. If anyone is using a different calendar product other than Exchange calendars I would be interested to know more about it.


New Contributor

Did you get anywhere with this? We are having very similar issues