Looking to build a 10.8.5 OS installer

New Contributor II

Hello all,

In one way or another, I have a case whereby in need a 10.8.5 OS installer due to unique circumstances. I've used AutoDMG in the past with success with Mavericks, Yosemite, and El Capitan, yet the OS X Mountain Lion Installer I have appears to be a launcher of sorts...hence I cannot use it with AutoDMG.

Can I get this via my Apple Dev Account? Thank you!


New Contributor III

Do you have the installer.app for Mountain Lion? If so you can create boot media from that. http://osxdaily.com/2012/02/17/make-bootable-os-x-10-8-mountain-lion-usb-install-drive/

After you've installed the OS on a machine you could use composer or disk util to create an image.