Can't add Configuration Profiles to Site

New Contributor III

I'm in the process of setting up some sites and I ran into a peculiarity when trying to assign some (but not all) configuration profiles (OS X) to a site. The site assignment went fine for about 90% of the Profiles. The renaming 10% won't allow you to redistribute the profile upon pressing save. It just advances you to a screen showing the profile name, but with no options to distribute.

So, essentially, I have a few configuration profiles that I can't add to a site because HAL, ahem, sorry the JSS, won't let me do that.



New Contributor III

Update: It appears to be a bug of some sort, as it can be resolved by selecting the site from the drop down menu and then toggling to the scope tab. If the scope tab doesn't load, you have to go back and toggle the site back to "none" and then retoggle to the desired site. If the scope tab will load, it will let you distribute the profile.

Very strange.