Can't click on QuickAdd

New Contributor


New to JAMF software so please bear with me here. I used JSS Dashboard to enroll one of our mac airs. So far so good, email sent. User clicks on the link JSS sent, a new window shows up prompting the user to click to enroll. Normally, right after clicking the link, a quickadd.pkg will download, user will then proceed to install. Now nothing happens, user clicks on the link and it doesn't even do anything. Used Safari and Firefox, nothing happens. Any ideas?

JSS 9.81
El Capitan 10.11.2



Honored Contributor II

I've had this broken before when there's a trailing / in the JSS URL. This has caused the QuickAdd.pkg download link to include two // after the port number like this: breaking the link.

That being said, in these cases it wouldn't work from the start. It sounds like it has worked for you previously.

The other suggestion would be just to restart tomcat on the JSS.

Valued Contributor III

Hmm, the JSS URL pane's own URL example includes a trailing /, they should fix that if it is causing the problem.