Can't create Configuration Profiles

Contributor III

So I upgraded our Test server to 9.82 in order to test it out with our system to see if we should upgrade. We tend to use quite a bit of Configuration Profiles in our area. So when the upgrade was done I was checking things out and things were mostly ok. The biggest thing is that in OS X Configuration profiles it shows "No data available in table". Not only that there isn't a New button like before to create a new profile.

Is there something wrong with our database? If so, how do we fix it? I remember in older version of Casper, we had a method of testing the database tables and fixing them....don't see that now.


New Contributor II

Well, I solved it with the help of JSS support. I didn't have 'Enable Push Notifications' checked in Computer Management -> Security. (insert face-palm). db7ff64d94244cf5a7bf003286441046

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New Contributor II

I am experiencing the exact same thing when I visit my 'Configuration Profiles' tab. However, I didn't update, change, or move the 2012 R2 server JSS runs on. All I did was delete a profile not in use and all of a sudden I can't create any new profiles.

Has anyone found a solution for this?


Valued Contributor II

@ericchandler - do reply back, curious what you find out. The thought of my profiles going 'poof' that easy literally makes my stomach hurt. Are you 9.82?

New Contributor II

@CasperSally - yes, I'm 9.82. Luckily, I didn't have any profiles deployed company-wide. I'm actually in the processing of evaluating whether or not Casper is the right move for us now that our company is switching from PC to Mac. I'm already convinced that JSS can be a great solution for us, and I'm hoping this issue has a quick solve I'm overlooking.

I've done everything I can with MySQL to ensure JSS is talking to a fresh database, but still nothing.

New Contributor II

Well, I solved it with the help of JSS support. I didn't have 'Enable Push Notifications' checked in Computer Management -> Security. (insert face-palm). db7ff64d94244cf5a7bf003286441046

Contributor III

I'm still having the issues here. On both our main and test server. What I've done to get around it is basically use an exisitng profile and clone it. I then modify it to what I need. But I would really like to find out why my New button is missing.

Contributor III

@ericchandler That was it....although I don't ever remember turning it off. Wonder if they update automatically did that somehow.