Can we disable keyboard shortcuts in 9.6?

Contributor III

I'm all for keyboard shortcuts in operating systems and software and live by them. I even consider those on the Mac to be superior to those available in Windows environments. I'm finding though that in JSS they are incredibly irritating because they kick in when they're not suppose to.

I've seen in Internet Explorer when just typing a b in a text field that Back then occurs throwing you out of what you're doing. This has been reproducible and I learned of this during a jumpstart. The Jamf instructor witnessed this one. In Safari when typing quickly I'll sit it kick in while typing into a text field. The thing here is that I'm not even using a character that seems to be a shortcut when it happens unless there's one I don't know of. Just a minute ago I was typing in a room number for a name of an iPad which was L134. Just as soon as it was typed in...boom...I was out of where I was typing. I wasn't finished with the name.

If there is a way to disable these shortcuts, I'd sure appreciate knowing it. Thanks!


Contributor II


I had the same problem and got an insight from Dieter at jamf Support. You can change or delete them by editing this file:


The easiest way is just to delete the lines in this file that contain the shortcuts you don't want. When upgrading to a newer JSS version this changes have to be made again.

With best regards

Tobias Linder