Casper Admin Crashes

Valued Contributor

Spent a futile few hours today trying to figure out why Casper Admin 9.65 was crashing when trying to upload a new .pkg or .dmg to it. Went down a lot of rabbit holes before finally contacting JAMF Tech Support, who told me that there's an open defect with packages and .dmgs that have "" in their names.

Turns out that it looks like it might be something with any .pkg or .dmg with multiple periods in its name. As soon as I renamed my .pkg and .dmg to have only a single period, Casper Admin stopped crashing.

Hope this helps someone else.


Legendary Contributor III

Maybe some day we'll see this

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@damienbarrett funnily enough, myself & some others were discussing that in IRC earlier.

Did you get a defect ID?

Valued Contributor

Nope, my TAM didn't share that with me. Maybe it's time for me to go back to the future and get on IRC again.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@damienbarrett we'd love to see you there. Shame we seem to miss way other @ JNUC.

Valued Contributor III

Oh I'll have to see what happens to ours, we have all our PKG and DMG files named with the version, so LOTS of periods in some of them, haven't had any issues yet.

Valued Contributor II

I've had Casper Admin crash a lot just after finishing uploading/copying a PKG. Opened a case, then troubleshot by nuking all JAMF prefs from my ~/Library/Preferences folder (and doing a killall cfprefsd). Lo and behold, the crashes stopped. Something you might want to try, since it did legitimately help me...

Valued Contributor

Just to be clear, I'm only guessing about the common denominator being that "" files and my software "" having multiple periods as being the culprit. It's an educated guess, but it might also be that both had "app" in them somewhere. Again, only guessing. What I know is that renaming my installer package "AdwareAlert.pkg" allowed it to be uploaded without crashing Casper Admin. YMMV.

P.S. The project I was working on is a modified version of CocoaDialog that lets me throw up an alert message with clickable URLs and a mailto: link. Once I have my "" distributed to all my managed machines, I can easily have a script open it if a machine falls into the "AdwareDetected" smart group.

Valued Contributor III

Interesting, I'm trying to upload a script to Casper Admin and its crashing each time I try. I guess I'll play with the name to see if its maybe too long.

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Princeton Public Schools

Valued Contributor III

So if I add it from a computer with 10.10.3 it crashes Casper Admin. When I add it from 10.9 it works fine.


Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Princeton Public Schools

Contributor II

Yeah, I am finding that CA 9.7, and OS X 10.10.3 don't seem to like each other.


Casper Admin 9.73 this is still an issue. Attempting to copy a file named caused Casper Admin 9.73 to crash. Changed the name to "file.dmg" solved issue. @damienbarrett this is still relevant. Thanks for sharing. Saved my hide.