Casper Imaging delay contacting JSS?

Valued Contributor II

We upgraded from 8.52 to 8.64 this week.

All is well except when we netboot, when casper imaging (8.64) launches, it sits while trying to communicate to (I forget exact verbage). It sits there for maybe 30 seconds on a gig connection. Previously that step to launch casper imaging was very fast/not noticeable to the techs.

Not the biggest issue, but anyone else seen it? I have 'allow invalid cert' checked in prefs.


New Contributor II

I noticed this same issue after upgrading from 8.6 to 8.64. It takes longer to contact JSS but it does go through after about 30 seconds.

Valued Contributor III

I have also had this issue, using netboot on gig connection.

Edited my post here since I had listed a different issue earlier.

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Valued Contributor II

Gabe your issue may be different, or I'm misunderstanding. The delay I'm noticing is once netbooted as casper imaging is opening... it stalls opening trying to talk to JSS.

Contributor III

Not much to add except same deal here in dev (8.64) environment. We will need to figure this out before updating (8.62) production. Not a "proper" solution, but moving to NBI with downlevel version of Casper Imaging does not hang on "checking https" ...

edit: The NBI not exhibiting this delay/hang is running 10.8.2 w/ Casper Imaging 8.62

Contributor II

Same here. I even made a new netboot image. I am running all the latest and greatest software updates too. I usually force quit it, then option boot it and re-enter the jss info and its a tad quicker. But, not much...


For those who are seeing this issue we'd like to know what OS version is being used with Casper Imaging.


Contributor III

I'm using a fully updated 10.8.3 NBI ...


10.8.3 here with the issue. I did not have this issue with 10.8.3 and Casper Imaging 8.63.

New Contributor II

10.8.3 NBI with Casper Imaging 8.6.4 and JSS 8.6.4. everything is up to date.

This delay does not happen when I run Casper Imaging on a standard booted mac.

Valued Contributor II

Our netboot is 10.8.2

Valued Contributor III

Actually Sally Im seeing this same thing, but yes originally I thought you were speaking about something else. We are using 10.8.3 and 8.64 and same thing slow response and works fine on non net booted.
Gabe Shackney

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

New Contributor III

I am having the same issue just using a bootable hard drive on 10.8.2 and casper imaging 8.64. When I use casper imaging 8.62 it opens up right up with no delay.

Valued Contributor II

@Gabe Shackney - Think i'm seeing issue with manual triggers post image too. The first trigger is reporting "Could not connect to the JSS... looking for cached policies" and that trigger is just skipped as a result.

Did delay help you? So frustrating.


Thanks everyone for the quick responses. We were able to reproduce this issue in our testing environment. This issue can be tracked with D-003726 for future releases of the Casper Suite. For the current time we will have to manually modify /Library/Preferences/com.jamfsoftware.jamf.plist to have true instead of false under <key>allowInvalidCertificate</key>. The full plist should look similar to the following. If you run into any other issues with this please contact your Account Manager for more information.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<dict> <key>allowInvalidCertificate</key> <true/> <key>jss_url</key> <string></string> <key>last_management_framework_change_id</key> <string>68514</string> <key>max_clock_skew</key> <string>-0</string>

Valued Contributor II

Nevermind on post above re:manual trigger not working. This was my error - macbook air ethernet adapter wasn't part of a test image I was using so it wasn't able to talk initially. Sorry for confusion.

Valued Contributor III


Is that a plist that resides on the netboot image for Casper Imaging? Or is this a plist that exists on the JSS?

As for post image triggers it looks like deleting the /Library/Preferences/System Configuration/preferences.plist from the base system image just before capturing it resolves the delay in contacting the jss for us.

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools



That plist is created once a machine is enrolled to a JSS and shouldn't be in your Netboot Image. Casper Imaging is incorrectly looking for this plist. Grab /Library/Preferences/com.jamfsoftware.jamf.plist from one of your machines that is enrolled to your JSS. We will want to make sure that the plist shows true for the part that I mentioned before. Go to your Netboot Server and mount your netboot image and put this into that same location. This should resolve this issue for you. If this doesn't please contact your Account Manager for further assistance.


Valued Contributor III

Thanks Joel,

After realizing this preference didn't exist and then copying it to the netboot image as suggested, this worked perfectly.
Thanks again!

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

New Contributor II

Also having this issue when creating a new NBI for the new Macbook Air 6,2 Mid 2013. Followed the directions above, and it worked. The weird thing was that after mounting the net boot image, it wasn't a matter of replacing the plist in /Library/Preferences, but actually creating it, or dragging in one from a machine that had created it. It was not there, which makes me wonder if the machine had not created it in the first place and was therefore defaulting to the user's preference file, thus delaying but eventually resolving.

I know that I did authenticate to the JSS when creating the NBI, after all, reading it was never a problem in the long run, it was the amount of time it took...

JSS: 8.7 and NBI OS = 10.8.4

Valued Contributor II

For anyone who is still on 8.73 creating new NBI, looks like this issue still exists. Grabbing plist from another machine still works. Assume it's fixed in 9 series