
Joined: November 2012

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  • 61 Posts
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Since upgrading to 10.8.3, it seems that the settings related to creating mobile accounts in the Apple AD plug-in (shown in Directory Utility) aren't being respected after a restart. I've been able to determine that the managed preferences that the p...
For the benefit of the JAMF community, I am sharing a recent troubleshooting experience. I was unable to get Flip4Mac to load in any web browser after imaging a Mac using Casper Imaging. The following error message appeared in the logs as it attempte...
I recently began testing a script that calls jamfHelper in full screen mode, this time as a Self Service policy. The script behaves normally except when executed from Self Service. The full screen window will not disappear, but I can manually dismiss...
Has anyone had success getting portable home directories with syncing working in 10.8.2 using the Casper Suite and the Apple AD connector? I can't seem to find a way to get the syncing functional. The Mobile Account "Settings" button is disabled in t...
Has anyone else had an issue where the Apple Software Update Server defined in the JSS looks like it's applied correctly (defaults read /Library/Preferences/ CatalogURL shows the server), but it still pulls from Apple's Intern...
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