Posted on 06-12-2014 09:28 AM
I downloaded and packaged Firefox 30 in Composer just like I always do. I first install it on my Mac, then drag the Firefox app into composer. It correctly mapped it like always (Applications/Firefox/etc/etc) - and I just verified it. I created a .dmg and uploaded it via Casper Admin. The permissions are set correctly too.
I've had a smart group and policy for Firefox that I just modify with an updated package and I update the smart group to look for Macs that have older versions of Firefox and that need the new version. It's been working for months. There are no scripts that I have that are run with the policy.
For some reason, the policy is installing Firefox on the root level of the hard drive.
I did index the .dmg. Is it possible to set a policy to uninstall Firefox? Will that policy see that it's been installed on the root level?
Also, any idea why this happened?
Posted on 06-12-2014 09:32 AM
What version is your JSS? We had an issue in 8.6x with Composer that would do something like this. If it is indeed version 8.6x, before you create your .dmg or .pkg exit and relaunch Composer. If it isn't 8.6x I am unsure of the issue. Hope this helps!
Posted on 06-12-2014 09:34 AM
Hi, thanks for your quick response.
We're using 9.31, so I don't think that's the problem. But I appreciate your input.
Do you know if I create a policy to uninstall Firefox that it would work correctly since it's not in the Applications folder?
Posted on 06-12-2014 09:37 AM
What version of Composer did you use to package the application? If you mount the .dmg file and look at the folder structure is it the same as your previous version of Firefox that worked normally?
Posted on 06-12-2014 09:44 AM
@rseide, yes, an indexed dmg can be uninstalled from any directory it was installed into
Posted on 06-12-2014 09:45 AM
I think I caught the mistake, and it's a stupid one. One that I made.
When I downloaded the Firefox .dmg from Mozilla's site, it went to my Desktop and is named "Firefox 30.0.dmg". When I created the package in Composer, I named the .dmg "Firefox 30.dmg" and saved it to my desktop. I uploaded the wrong .dmg!
I kept on seeing "Firefox 30.dmg" in Casper Admin and for the policy. I must have dyslexia or something. :(
At any rate, I'm going to fix this.
*hangs head in shame*
But, since I indexed the Firefox 30.0.dmg in Casper Admin, can I still set a policy to have it uninstalled even though it's not in the Applications folder? [EDIT]: I just saw the previous post that has my answer. Thanks
Thanks everyone for your help. I'm embarrassed now.
Posted on 06-12-2014 09:49 AM
I will have you know, that I have NEVER done anything like that, not ever, not in a million years........... No worries, I am glad you got it figured out!!
Posted on 06-12-2014 11:39 AM hahaha, thanks for that.
Posted on 06-12-2014 11:48 AM
I switched to using Autopkg for my Firefox packaging: