Casper Remote and default SSH port

New Contributor III


We do not use the standard port 22 for SSH on our MacBooks. I was under the impression that Casper Remote would use the default port defined by my machine but that is not the case.

How can I set Casper Remote to use the correct port? Just FYI, our JSS is a Windows 2012 R2 box so anything you post that I might need to change there will have to be Windows-friendly. :D

Thanks in advance,


Valued Contributor II

I believe if you read the documentation it says SSH must be on the standard port.

Legendary Contributor III

Take a look here:

The port it uses needs to be defined on the client, not anything on the server side.

Valued Contributor II

read this you cannot change the port of SSH or SMB

Valued Contributor II

somebody probably needs to get some documentation straightened out...

Legendary Contributor III

Don't shoot the messenger. I have not tried anything outlined in the Feature Request link I posted, but apparently @RobertHammen did this with a client and was able to successfully get Casper Remote to connect to a Mac on a different SSH port. I'm not sure if the instructions posted there on the .ssh/config file were to be done on the Mac running C Remote, or for the Mac the app connects to.

Again, I haven't verified anything and have no plans to do so, so maybe someone else can confirm or deny?

Valued Contributor II

sorry if I came across poorly @mm2270 I did not see your post until after I posted the read this where I was trying to follow up with the right documentation with the link, upon seeing your post I read and it looks like you now can, so JAMF needs to clean up the well known ports page to have more current information in it. You were on top of something I had missed. Great job!