CCA training course

Honored Contributor

Who all has done this? What did it entail? I think I am going to
Chicago and the end of June for the course. A little feedback to those
who have gone would be great.


Thomas Larkin
TIS Department
tlarki at
cell: 913-449-7589
office: 913-627-0351


Contributor III


Been there and done that, and will be doing it again (certification is good for two full version releases). Based on your responses to this list I think this might be a very easy certification for you to accomplish. There are some perks, which if you wanted more details about you could visit this website about it or contact JAMF. I think that it's beneficial to any JSS administrator. You also get a lot of face time with perhaps Jason Wudi or Tedd Herman (or maybe someone else these days) on the support team.

More training and education never hurt anyone...

Craig Ernst
Systems Management & Configuration
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Learning & Technology Services
105 Garfield Ave
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Phone: (715) 836-3639
Fax: (715) 836-6001
ernstcs at

Not applicable

I can second Craig's comments. We flew over from the UK to do the CCA in New York and found it worth every penny. I'd certainly recommend it to anyone using Casper seriously.


James Partridge
Systems Development & Support (Apple)
Oxford University Computing Service
13 Banbury Road
Oxford OX2 6NN

Tel.: (01865) 273207
iChat: james.partridge at

Valued Contributor

It's definitely worth it if you want to learn to leverage the the power of the Casper suite.

I walked in to the course just days after purchasing the suite, and I came away from the course with a deep understanding of the toolset.

Not applicable

I would have to agree with James. I have been a long time user of the Casper
Suite (I believe that I started in version 3) and got lots of new ideas for
administering our clients more efficiently as well as a deep understanding
of the new features that I had not yet taken advantage of. In my mind,
before the class, Casper wasn't broken so I wasn't going to fix it. After
the certification course I am now working to utilize as many features as I
can to the advantage of both the technicians and our clients.

Honored Contributor

Thanks for all the feedback everyone. I think I am just going to bite the bullet and finally finish up my certs. Finish my ACTC, and then go over to ACSA, and I was also looking at adding the Casper cert and possibly another basic one.

The training looks fun and I think I could learn a lot more by going. I haven't ever had to managed 5,500 macbooks at once before and Casper allows us to manage them, but I definitely think we can improve what we are currently doing.

Thanks for all the feedback.

Thomas Larkin
TIS Department
tlarki at
cell: 913-449-7589
office: 913-627-0351

Contributor III

Good luck, beard stroking old school Unix guy. =)


Honored Contributor

I just shaved the beard off. Now I am a handle bar mustache Unix guy!

thanks for the feedback

Thomas Larkin
TIS Department
tlarki at
cell: 913-449-7589
office: 913-627-0351

Not applicable

Likewise. It's a great course.


New Contributor

I second Craig's thoughts on this. I've only been through one CCA course
(last fall, in Mpls.) but it really helped me with many questions I had. I
plan on attending this next CCA in Chicago. Not only was the JAMF training
(Wudi) great but sharing ideas/experiences with others was beneficial as

Jeff Johnson
Technology Coordinator
Glendale-River Hills School District
Glendale, WI 53209
jeff.johnson at