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Joined: January 2012

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I need to downgrade a bunch of Macs running OS X 10.6.8 from Safari 5.1 toSafari 5.0.5. Unfortunately, it isn't as easy as dragging the app to the trash andinstalling the other version. The residual files from 5.1 won't allow5.0.5 to be installed. I ...
Fellow JAMFers, I have an application (ActivInspire, the application that goes with ourinteractive whiteboards) that does not display version info in the JSS. An application search for "" returns n/a in the JSS (seeattached screenshot). I ... Description (18 episodes) Tools and APIs required to build applications for the iPhone platformusing the iPhone SDK. User interface designs for mobile devices an...
For reasons unknown, I am getting many (36 so far) error messages from myJSS/Casper server, all with this subject line: "Policy Error Executing Maintenance on (comp name)" I rarely see messages like these so getting so many has me searching forcauses...
On several recent occasions, when imaging computers, I get this errormessage: "An exception of class NilObjectException was not handled.The application must shut down." I have not discovered any pattern to this yet. Most recently, it's come upwhen re...
CCA 2008, 2010, 2011 CMA 2012 Apple Certified Support Professional 10.7 Apple Distinguished Educator