Certificate deployment with customized name

New Contributor III

Hello Team,

I just need to understand how can I deploy a certificate by Jamf(config profile) so that it will be deployed with mac's hostanme, I have a .cer file.

I dont understand how can I put the payload variable, where is the place?

Can anyone provide me a screenshot to understand this?

If there is ADCS or SCEP server available then process will be same or different?


Esteemed Contributor II

@Asifahmed You can only customize a certificate using variables if you're going to have it generated via a Configuration Profile (e.g. a Certificate payload that request a cert via ADCS Connector or Jamf PKI Proxy, or a SCEP payload to request a certificate via SCEP). If you have a .cer file you have already created the certificate and it cannot be modified.

New Contributor III

So for ADCS and SCEP how can i do it? In CP where i need to put the variable, can you please give a screenshot so that i can understand easily.

Esteemed Contributor II

This is pretty basic stuff. All of the information on using variables in a Configuration Profile can be found in Jamf's documentation.

Start with this one: https://learn.jamf.com/bundle/jamf-pro-documentation-current/page/Computer_Configuration_Profiles.ht...

The following Jamf article discusses creating a certificate payload for 802.1x authentication: https://docs.jamf.com/technical-papers/jamf-pro/8021x/10.0.0/Distributing_802.1X_Settings_to_Compute...

Legendary Contributor III

Do you already have ADCS or SCEP setup in Jamf? Because you have to have one of those in place first before you can use it in a profile. We're using ADCS, so I can't speak to how it's done in SCEP.