Certiport Compass Cloud

New Contributor II

Anyone have a good way to deploy this? Yes, we know it isn't supported except for individual installs - but seriously, when you are a school district and have over 100 Mac Labs - you have to find a better way.  Need a little help on this one - we keep getting the Message: Secure Browser may be running from the original file download location.

Any help on this one would be appreciated!

Jenny Garland


For something like this software it would appear each instance of software wants a proctor to set it up.  I would go through the initial setup while doing a capture using composer to see what files it generates.  from there you can attempt to package and deliver the software to a test device to see how it works out.  I do not see any instructions anywhere for adding a plist entry or a profile to enforce the codes or settings so this might be the best route