Posted on 02-06-2017 02:47 AM
Hello Jamfnation,
I created a helper in swift to communicate with an app.
The helper is ran by a jamf script in root mode called from policy "launchmachelper".
The app sends CFNotification with CFNotificationCenterGetDistributedCenter module to the helper.
The app is executed in user mode (sudo -s $loggedInUser open -a
During the tests on my personal device everything went fine, no communication problem between the user app and the root helper.
When I try to set it up in JAMF, I have a weird behaviour:
When the helper is pushed by Jamf with the launchmachelper policy, he does not receive notifications.
If I kill the helper from Activity Monitor and re-trigger policy launchmachelper which launch again the helper, the helper starts receiving notifications.