Changing Recon URL - Keeps reverting

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi All

I am trying to update the URL on the clients that they talk too.

I am running the command "jamf createConf -server -path / -k"

This command works perfectly, updates the JSS URL and it checks in.

Then at some point within the next few hours it just reverts back to what it was before.

I have updated the JSS url from inside of casper, but I cant understand why the URL keeps reverting.

Ie, I set the address as "" then a few hours later I check again, and its reverted to "casper.domain.corp"

Any Ideas?



John Szaszvari
Network Manager | Monte Sant' Angelo Mercy College
02-9409-6281 | jszaszvari at | 128 Miller St, North Sydney


New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi All Again

I got some advice to just push out the recon package again with the updated URL.

I have tried this and this is what happens.

After its installed, it recons to the correct URL, then changes back to the old one.

Even if I manually set the URL with createConf it reverts. Ie,

bash-3.2# /usr/sbin/jamf createConf -url '' -k

Creating configuration file for

The SSL certificate for will not need to be trusted.

Then immediately afterwards I run:

bash-3.2# /usr/sbin/jamf manage

Getting Management Framework from JSS...

Enforcing Management Framework...

Enforcing Login/Logout Hooks...

Checking availability of

The JSS is available.

Enforcing Scheduled Tasks...

Creating Usage Monitoring Task...

And as you can see its using the old URL :(

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi Dan

Unfortonatly there are no managed prefrances that get pushed out to these clients.

I did not even know that the JSS Url was able to be done through MCX.


Not applicable


The URL you have listed is missing the trailing slash which will stop Self Service from working....

/usr/sbin/jamf createConf -url '' -k

The other option besides just creating the preference is to remove the JAMF binary, do not do this on the machine you are using for creating packages as it will remove the JAMF directory from /Library/Application Support. Also the command appears to be missing from the help within the Binary, and jamf help removeFramework returns an error....

jamf removeFramework

and then re-install with the new URL

I am not sure why the preference is not taking unless the preference file is in the way. If you remove and re-add the binary the recon system will pick up the machines presence in the JSS.


New Contributor III
New Contributor III

I actually think I have fixed the problem.

I went into the JSS web interface, changed the JSS url to something completely random, then set it back to what it should be and now its working perfect.

Looks like clients are updating with correct address.