Chrome Beta/Extended versions not tracked in Patch Management

New Contributor

We use the Patch Management reporting in Jamf Pro to keep track of versioning for a lot of applications that use auto updates. However, since we moved some of our devices to the Chrome Beta/Extended Update Channel, we noticed that those versions show up as "Unknown" in the Google Chrome Patch Report.  

Does Jamf have a way to keep track of these versions in patch management? or would I need to put in a Feature Request for that?


Valued Contributor III

We also deploy Chrome Extended (for what thats worth these days, updates far to often).

You need to use Tile Editor to create a new custom patch..

You will need to manually update this each time google provides an update, track this via this link, we use an RSS feed

Extended Stable Channel Update for Desktop

And you also need a config profile to set the version that you want to update to, along with other settings.

Manage Google Updates



I was hoping Jamf had a way to automatically track these releases since we are trying to remove as much manual work as possible, so it doesn't make since to manually add the definitions for a automatic report. but thanks for the info. 

Esteemed Contributor

Jamf only tracks the production lane version. When you are dealing with Canary, Beta, Dev, etc. Jamf does not keep track of those. Honestly, I am not sure how Jamf would keep track of the non-production versions without causing issues with the production version tracking as they all use the same or similar version numbers.