Collect Software Update Logs - Report

New Contributor

Hello Folks,

I need to collect macOS softwareupdate logs from massive devices.

In practical terms, I need the return from “softwareupdate --history”

I can create a policy to execute this command, but how/where can I store the data? Is there a way to consume the information by API?

Thanks in advance,


Legendary Contributor III

Pipe the history into a local log file into /tmp/ and then you can use the API to upload it to each computer's Jamf Pro record, by using the Attachments section of the record. The main issue with using "Attachments" is that they are not searchable and must be pulled down to read them.

Technically I guess you could also send the info from the history command into an EA, but in some cases it might be a large field of data, so that's not always the most desirable.