Posted on 03-23-2017 09:18 PM
Hi all,
Would any of you know the command or script to activate "Reduce Transparency" within System Preferences > Accessibility > Display ?
WIthin our company we are using macOS Sierra 10.12.3 with Targus DisplayLink Docks. When connecting the Macbook (with 10.12.3) to the Targus docking stations, the monitor display looks a bit off. Somethings to refresh rate is not right, sometimes the colours are a bit off.
We searched DisplayLink's website, , it recommends:
Corrupted window title bar and widgets. To work around, select System Preferences -> Accessibility -> Display -> Reduce transparency (27244226)
We have tried their suggestion, and it seems to be better.
So we want to use Casper policy to roll this setting out, but we need a command line that will do that.
Thanks in advance :)
Posted on 03-24-2017 08:08 AM
Hi Bernard,
That setting gets stored in each user's file. To deploy it, you can either try scripting it into each user's plist, or do the following for a Config Profile:
defaults write ~/Desktop/ reduceTransparency -bool true
plutil -convert xml1 ~/Desktop/
for the domain, and something like {reduceTransparency=true}
for the setting. If you see an error when uploading it, make sure you did step 2 to convert it to an xml or the JSS won't accept it.I tested it out quickly here and when it's installed, this is what I see in the Accessibility settings
Note that it's enabled and greyed out, so user's can't disable it.
Although you could script this to just write that setting into their plist, using a Config Profile enables it and doesn't allow it to get unchecked unless the configuration profile is removed from the Mac.
The only caveat I should mention is that it doesn't seem to take effect right away. What appears to happen is, any applications that were open, other than the Finder, don't see the setting. However, when launching new apps, the menubar goes white-ish, instead of the semi transparent version. Not sure what the best way is to make all apps adopt it, but I have a feeling even if you did it via script you'd have the same issue. Clicking that checkbox must purge some cached setting somewhere and force all apps to use the adjustment.
Anyway, hope that helps.