Compile configurations cost long time?

New Contributor

Hi Everyone,

I am new to JAMF software.
When I use Casper Admin 9.98 , after put everything I need in a configurations, and hit on the "Compile" button, it could cost couples of hours to finish the compile, is there any method that we can make this progress faster?
I am using a file share distribution point which is a windows virtual server.



Release Candidate Programs Tester

@Jasonjia In short, not using Casper Admin.

But.. what are you compiling? Is it just an OS?

Valued Contributor II

@Jasonjia Compiling takes hours. Make sure you're logged in as root user to do it so you're not prompted for admin auth over and over. I usually wait until the weekend before our mass imaging starts and VPN/VNC into my admin machine and check on it every 6 hours or whatever to start next configuration off. Syncing the large compiled images throughout the DPs can take decent amount of time, too.

I don't think many people compile anymore, but it does help us to make our mass reimage of thousands of machines in our summer K12 window go faster. If it saves a few minutes on each reimage, it adds up for us. Someday will be imaging be dead, but for now, it's still the best way for us to nuke/pave - particularly in labs where they require a lot of software and self service doesn't make sense.

Like @bentoms is saying, I think, if you just have a base OS, it's probably not worth your time.

New Contributor

@Bentoms, thanks for the reply, and not only the OS which I am compiling, I need to include some of the basic application for everyone.

New Contributor

@CasperSally, Sounds like I am not the only one having this, maybe I will just start easy and go with self service first. Thanks,

Valued Contributor II

I agree. Compiling takes quite some time (shorter in my case than yours.) That said, it's only really necessary just before any time sensitive, mass imaging. I recommend using a machine with an SSD and the very best network connection (to the FileServer) that you can. I'll often compile configurations on one of my DPs, then I use said DPs to sync between the primary and Secondary DPs. That said, the difference in mass imaging several hundred computers makes it worth the effort!