Posted on
07:36 AM
- last edited
Hello all,
I'm sorry if this discussion was previously held elsewhere, I could not find similar in my search. This question involves Casper 9.9.2 and OS X 10.11.5:
We are about to start an imaging project and several staff are concerned about Casper Imaging dropping packages if the configuration is not compiled.
We have an O/S image we use that has the administrator account already setup with a number of computer based settings in place. The package contains both main os + recovery partition. We can't use AutoDMG with Create_Administrator.pkg as we can't set all of the post image settings consistently using that method. With that in mind:
Is there a way to compile a configuration that contains the O/S plus the recovery partition plus all apps so that the O/S-Recovery.dmg is not flattened during compilation?
For argument sake with the staff I tried doing it the way we used to - creating a MacintoshHD.dmg and Recovery.dmg using casper imaging and creating a profile in the jss with an added partiition where I placed the recoveryPartition.dmg file with an added script to hide that partition after reboot but it did not install the recovery partition.
We would greatly appreciate your suggestions, input, et al.
Many thanks,
Posted on 06-20-2016 10:07 AM
For what it's worth, I've tried compiled configurations quite a few times over the years on different Casper environments. I have only seen it successfully complete once or twice on very simple configs. Most of the time it fails to compile one on of the packages.
We normally use AutoDMG, a first boot script and configuration profiles to get to the desired state.
More recently, where possible, we use policies for most of the software leveraging the App store and VPP as much as we can.
Posted on 06-21-2016 10:43 AM
Hello @lps
I've had similar issues with creating 10.11 compiled configs using images created from Autodmg.
I'm having to include a recovery partition package I create using MagerValps, Recovery Partition Installer software. It's very easy to use, especially if you use Autodmg.
Here is the link:
I throw that package into my compiled config and voila, it just works.
Hope that helps,