Composer 10.33.0 New & Modified Snapshot issue

New Contributor II

Found an issue when using New & Modified Snapshot to capture an App install. As part of the capture Composer 10.33.0 will include in the root of the package a symbiotic link called ".VolumeIcon.icns" that can not be deleted in composer.

Screen Shot 2021-10-20 at 8.46.27 AM.png 

If you try it will gray out and not delete. You have to right click/control click and select reveal in Finder. The icns file will not be visible immediately you will need to use the command to reveal hidden files "CMD + Shift + Period". Then you should be able to delete the file. If you still can't edit the file name and remove the period at the beginning. (Thank you @mickl089 for the additional information.) If you don't the resulting pkg will not install and give you this error:

Screen Shot 2021-10-20 at 8.51.28 AM.png


New Contributor III

Thanks for the heads-up on this issue!  Always good to hear of issues from other JN admins before we run into them.  I have been hanging onto and running an older version of Composer for related reasons.

Contributor III

This bug has existed for some versions of the Composer - you have to additionally remove the dot in front of the file name, then you can also delete the file from the Finder.

New Contributor II

Thanks for the additional info. I did not run into that issue myself. I'll add it to the post.