a week ago
Hi, I am looking for some help to see if there is an existing JAMF Brand Computer Extension for reporting all local groups on a computer and\or a particular group name. I would also like it to report all of its membership. ANy help is appreciated. Thanks!!
a week ago
Basically listing all groups is "dscl . list /Groups" if you looking for particular group
if dscl . -read /Groups/"the_group_you_looking_for" &> /dev/null; then
echo "yup group exist"
echo "nope it does not exist."
a week ago
It would be better to ask what you are trying to do any why, what is the problem you are trying to solve? Jamf already natively reports on who is in the admin group, but do you really care who is a member of something like _appserverusr?
What we are looking to do is to create a local group on the computer and add the current logged in user. This group will be used for internal purposes. We would like to report this because it will not be on all computers and we would like to be able to see who has this group and who is assigned.
dscl command would be enough to perform what you want. you can use man dscl to see how to use it