Posted on 07-27-2017 07:34 AM
I was working with my SCCM brethren here in IT, and I noticed SCCM is able to dynamically asign a Windows PC client to a specific user if said user has been loogging into a computer for X amount of minutes/times/days.
Criteria logic looks something like this example:
-User uses computer for 480+ minutes (8 hours)
-User logs in more than 7 days per month.
My shop is fairly static in terms of Mac computer ownership/assignments, but this kind of logic could certainly come in handy in specific situations (like when a shared department laptop is permenently "given" to an employee by a manager without IT being notified of this permenanet change).
I have played with jamf recon -endUsername $3 but havent worked out any logic to build a critieria for deciding when to set/change the owner.
Has anyone impletmented something like this in Jamf in a robust capicity?
Posted on 07-27-2017 11:51 AM
######## Purpose: Populate the JSS database with user information.
######## Author: Chris T. 2012/11/21
######## Redesigned by Todd H. 11/2/2015
# This is a magic number, it is used to define the percentage of ownership required to decide ownership.
# We need a minimum number of logins in total to assume ownership. This is that number. AcceptableLevel percent of the number below will trigger ownership assignment
#Get list of historical logins and then count them
loginHistoryList=$(cat /var/log/jamf.log |grep "Informing the JSS about login for user"|awk '{print $NF}' |grep -v root)
#last cmd depreciated #loginHistoryList=`last -200 |cut -d " " -f1 |grep -v reboot |grep -v shutdown`
loginHistoryCount=$(echo "$loginHistoryList" | wc -l)
echo "Total Logins is $loginHistoryCount"
#Exit if not enough total logins to assume ownership.
if [ $loginHistoryCount -lt $minLoginCount ]; then
echo "Not enough total logins to assume ownership. Closing"
exit 0
# Count users and logins. If one is over $acceptableLevel, then assign as main user.
userList=$(echo "$loginHistoryList" | sort -u)
for oneUser in "${userListArray[@]}";do
numLogins=$(echo "$loginHistoryList" | grep $oneUser| wc -l)
### Now we do some math to find out what percentage the logins are of all the logins.
# Since BASH doesn't do decimals natively, we'll call on the bc to do the work.
UserLoginPercent=$(echo "scale=2;$numLogins / $loginHistoryCount * 100" |bc | cut -d '.' -f1)
echo "$oneUser has $UserLoginPercent% of logins"
#if this user has most logins, this is our primary user.
if [ $UserLoginPercent -gt $acceptablelevel ];then
if [ -z $mainUserFound ]; then
echo "no main user found. Over $minLoginCount above, but no user got above $acceptablelevel percent of logins."
exit 0
echo "Primary User assigned to: $mainUserFound"
userID=`id -u $mainUserFound`
if [ "$userID" -gt 11050 ]; then
echo "Userid $userID is AD user"
userFirstname=`/usr/bin/dscl /Active Directory/DOMAINNAME/All Domains -read /Users/$mainUserFound FirstName | cut -d " " -f2 2>/dev/null`
userLastname=`/usr/bin/dscl /Active Directory/DOMAINNAME/All Domains -read /Users/$mainUserFound LastName | cut -d " " -f2 2>/dev/null`
userEmail=`/usr/bin/dscl /Active Directory/DOMAINNAME/All Domains -read /Users/$mainUserFound EMailAddress | cut -d " " -f2 2>/dev/null`
userPhone=`/usr/bin/dscl /Active Directory/DOMAINNAME/All Domains -read /Users/$mainUserFound telephoneNumber | cut -d " " -f2 2>/dev/null`
userDepartment=`/usr/bin/dscl /Active Directory/DOMAINNAME/All Domains -read /Users/$mainUserFound profitCenter | cut -d " " -f2 2>/dev/null`
userRoom=`/usr/bin/dscl /Active Directory/DOMAINNAME/All Domains -read /Users/$mainUserFound physicalDeliveryOfficeName | cut -d " " -f2 2>/dev/null`
userBuilding=$(echo $userRoom | cut -d "-" -f1)
titleLong=`dscl /Active Directory/DOMAINNAME/All Domains -read /Users/$mainUserFound title|tail -1`
if [[ $titleLong == *":"* ]]; then #if contains colons, else do the below
titleShort=`echo $titleLong |awk -F: '{print $3}'`
userPosition=`echo $titleShort | xargs` #pipe to xargs to remove leading space
echo "Submitting information for network account $mainUserFound..."
echo "$userFirstname"
echo "$userLastname"
echo "$userEmail"
echo "$userPosition"
echo "$userPhone"
echo "$userDepartment"
echo "$userRoom"
echo "$userBuilding"
if [ -z $userFirstname ] || [ -z $userLastname ] || [ -z $userDepartment ] ||[ -z $userEmail ]; then
echo "running recon-lite for user $mainUserFound"
jamf recon -endUsername "$mainUserFound"
echo "running recon full for user $mainUserFound"
jamf recon -endUsername "$mainUserFound" -realname "$userFirstname $userLastname" -email "$userEmail" -position "$userPosition" -phone "$userPhone" -department "$userDepartment" -room "$userRoom" -building "
else #if UID less than 1k, then local account
jamf recon -position "Local Account"
Posted on 07-28-2017 06:18 AM
Thanks @thoule - good stuff here. Much appreciated.