Posted on
09:22 AM
- last edited
2 weeks ago
So this sentence at Computers>Policies>*YourPolicyName>Restart Options
"If "macOS Installer" is chosen as the Startup Disk, Restart Options on this pane will not be applied to computers with macOS 10.12.4 or later."
Does that mean I can't use that option for trying to restart into the Big Sur macOS Installer after my script that runs /Applications/Install macOS Big --eraseinstall --agreetolicense --forcequitapps --newvolumename "Macintosh HD"??
I am not using --usage at the moment. I am trying to figure out why after startiosinstall runs and the machine reboots, it is not rebooting. If I hold Option after hitting the power button I can see "macOS Installer" The original drive and if I have the USB installer inserted I can see that also. However, if I select macOS Installer, it just boots back to nothing. Same with trying to boot from the USB installer.
In my script I am going to add a -r +3 to a restart and see if that helps. I am at a loss. It seems the only way I can get the machine responsive again is to do a internet recovery/drive wipe/reinstall and my previous Mojave/Catalina install polices then work fine.
Posted on 04-15-2021 07:00 AM
Turns out the issue I was having is a bug with Retina 21.5" 2019 iMac.