Posted on 10-03-2008 09:13 AM
Anyone out there manage to package computrace for deployment within casper?
Posted on 05-06-2011 04:12 PM
Does anyone use CompuTrace, and if so have you successfully created
install package to work with Casper (stand alone or image bundled)
Thank you,
Darin Clausing
Computer Technician I
Computer Systems Department
P: 209.550.3300 x5003
F: 209.576.4925
Posted on 05-08-2011 04:20 PM
I created one. I just created a log that puts the files into /tmp and then a postflight script runs the comptrace install script. It requires a reboot as the Install script merely creates a startupitem, an ID and copies some binaries for the system. The subsequent restart actually creates the launchd item.
Posted on 05-09-2011 06:18 AM
We use it, and Absolute gave us a PKG installer to use. It has worked the last 4 years pretty much with out a hitch.