Config profiles being removed automatically?

New Contributor III

We're experiencing an issue with our configuration profiles being removed, which I am currently working with JAMF support on. I wanted to check with the community and see if anyone else has run into this. We're on JSS 9.9, and the computers are running El Cap.

I have two config profiles defined and scoped to all computers. One sets the wireless network info, and the other sets all the basic settings like finder preferences, logon prefs, etc.

The symptom we are seeing is that a teacher will come to us saying they have no internet. When we check, they are disconnected from the wireless. If we select the network, it doesn't remember the password and we have to manually enter it. Once we do, all the preferences get reset to default, and then get reapplied.

Looking at the management history in the JSS, we see the following:

Install Configuration Profile MASD wireless 04/01/2016 at 10:28 AM      
Install Configuration Profile Basic settings    04/01/2016 at 10:28 AM      
Install Configuration Profile MASD wireless 04/01/2016 at 10:28 AM      
ProfileList 04/01/2016 at 10:28 AM      
CertificateList 04/01/2016 at 10:28 AM      
ProfileList 04/01/2016 at 10:32 AM      
CertificateList 04/01/2016 at 10:32 AM      
ProfileList 04/01/2016 at 10:41 AM  brandth 
CertificateList 04/01/2016 at 10:41 AM  brandth 
ProfileList 04/01/2016 at 10:41 AM  brandth 
CertificateList 04/01/2016 at 10:41 AM  brandth 
ProfileList 04/01/2016 at 10:42 AM  brandth 
ProfileList 04/01/2016 at 10:53 AM  brandth 
ProfileList 04/01/2016 at 10:53 AM  brandth 
ProfileList 04/01/2016 at 12:28 PM  brandth 
ProfileList 04/01/2016 at 12:28 PM  brandth 
ProfileList 04/01/2016 at 1:02 PM   brandth 
iTunes Account Info 04/01/2016 at 1:02 PM   brandth 
iTunes Account Status   04/01/2016 at 1:02 PM   brandth 
ProfileList 04/01/2016 at 1:02 PM       
CertificateList 04/01/2016 at 1:02 PM       
ProfileList 04/01/2016 at 3:30 PM   brandth 
ProfileList 04/01/2016 at 3:30 PM   brandth 
Remove Configuration Profile MASD wireless  04/01/2016 at 3:36 PM       
Remove Configuration Profile Basic settings 04/04/2016 at 7:12 AM       
ProfileList 04/04/2016 at 7:12 AM       
CertificateList 04/04/2016 at 7:12 AM       
InstallApplication  04/04/2016 at 7:12 AM       
Install Configuration Profile MASD wireless 04/04/2016 at 7:12 AM       
Install Configuration Profile Basic settings    04/04/2016 at 7:12 AM       
ProfileList 04/04/2016 at 7:12 AM       
CertificateList 04/04/2016 at 7:12 AM       
ProfileList 04/04/2016 at 7:12 AM   brandth

Reading from the top down, we see the initial install of the config profiles on 4/1 at 10:28am. At 3:36pm, it issues a command to remove the wireless profile. This was on a Friday afternoon just as the user was leaving to go home. Monday morning, 4/4, at 7:12am we reconnected it manually to the wireless. It then sent the command to remove the other config profile and then immediately reinstalls both profiles, as the machine is still in scope.

Has anyone run into this or know what could be causing it?

Edit- reordered the log to top down.


New Contributor

How do you scope the Config Profiles? Computers must always be in scope. If you for example limit them to a lan-network segment then the profile will be removed when they disconnect from the stated network limitation.
I set the Wifi-profile to trigger when computer is bound to AD.