Configuration Profiles - Mobility Payload

Contributor II

I've posted about creating mobility configuration profiles before. My initial problem was trying to figure out how to create them. I was missing the fact that you need to create a "user" level profile and not a machine profile.

After figuring out that it had to be a user level profile I went on to create some of these. We are using MacBooks
now more with Active Directory. In the past when using OS X Server we would create mobile accounts so we
could sync back the data to the server. In OS X Server you could define in Workgroup manager what folders
you were syncing and when. Most of the time this worked well.

When using Active Directory you cannot define this on the server side so I was trying to create a mobility configuration profile to define what syncs and when.

The profiles that I have experimented work, but it's very inconsistent. I'm trying to define in the profile to just sync Library and Documents. Most of the time Documents works fine. But if I define a time to sync
(IE on login, logout, manual) the results are inconsistent. The other thing that is inconsistent is the syncing
of the Library folder. On some machines it does sync and others it doesn't. (I'm not 100% sure I want to
sync Library but I going with it for now.)

I have also added in certain items to skip as it would have been defined in Workgroup manager. For example ~/Library/Caches etc.

The client machines are mostly all 10.8.5. Have not tried 10.9.x clients.

Anyone else had good results with Mobility Configuration profiles ? Does anyone bother ?


Contributor II

I wonder if these profiles work any better in 10.9.x ?