Posted on 11-30-2022 12:08 AM
I am wondering how Configuration Profiles are pushed, and how often they are pushed, but I can't seem to find any documentation on it. I am editing and testing some config profiles, however they seem to be pushed to the machines at random times. Would someone be able to point me towards such documenation?
Also, is there a command to force downloads of configuration profiles, similar to the command "sudo jamf policy"?
Posted on 11-30-2022 05:22 AM
Does "Magic" answer your question? Welcome to Apple, if you want documentation you are dealing with the wrong vendor. Most of what you are wanting will be dealing with APNs.
From the macOS perspective:
If no devices are getting configuration profiles: Make sure APNS is working. Check certificates and network traffic.
If some devices are not getting configuration profiles: Check JAMF's configuration policies, the scopes and triggers to make sure they are right. You will always have some devices being dumb, you can check the inventory record for configuration profile install status.
Most of this is generally the same for iOS, though you have much less visibility on the OS side over what is going on.
Apple developer may have some of the information you are wanting. What's New in the Apple Push Notification Service - WWDC16 - Videos - Apple Developer
Posted on 11-30-2022 06:09 PM
Brad Chapman did an amazing deep dive presentation at JNUC which covers APNs in detail. Props to Brad! (26) 2017: A Push Odyssey — Journey to the Center of APNS - YouTube