Connect User at enrollment with Schoolmanager account at enrollment

Contributor II

Hi guys
I have the following compoinents in place:

  • All users and classes created in schoolmanager (Managed Apple ID: fri_muster@ schooldomain)
  • all users created in microsoft365 (account: fri_muster@schooldomain)
  • all users and classes in Jamf Pro (Schoolmanager Sync)
  • SSO connection with M365 in Jamf Pro
  • Prestage with Customized Enrollement with SSO

What I would like to achieve:
While the user enrolls his device the login gets written into the account and is matched with the user entry in Jamf Pro.

What happens instead:
The login is written into the username field which creates a new User entry in Jamf Pro. The mobile device is then added to this account and in Jamf I have two user entries:

Is there a way to define that the username in jamf is actually the managed appleid (fri_muster@schooldomain) and not just the username (fri_muster)?

With best regards, Tobias Linder