Posted on 03-26-2018 02:37 PM
Hi ,
I started a process to convert to High Sierra through jamf imaging. I completed the process by first running a script to change the drive to jhfs+ then laying down a high sierra hfs image that was made with autodmg. Finally, I run a script that creates a recovery partition upon reboot. When the process is complete the machine is on High Sierra 10.13.3 but it is still on MacOS Extended Journaled. I wanted to know if anyone knew of a script that could change a drive from JHFS to APFS non-destructively which I would place at the end of the imaging process. Thank you in advance.
Posted on 03-27-2018 12:18 AM
Hi. I think you could easily write a script with the provided command apfs_hfs_convert to convert any HFS volume to APFS. Check the man.
Posted on 03-28-2018 07:01 AM
Yes, I believe this can work but this is for hfs not jhfs whenever I run the command it says hfs volume not found.
Posted on 03-29-2018 02:12 AM