Posted on 12-04-2014 06:20 AM
We are deploying Crashplan and want to be able to keep the data on the server no matter what the client computer does. i.e. We want to limit the users' ability to remove data.
The problem we see is that in the Crashplan App, users could go into Settings --> Backup --> Destinations and make changes.
As I understand it, If you remove a destination it removes ALL archives from that destination.
We have locked down as much as we can but seem to be unable to lock this.
Do any of you JamfNation people have a similar issue? How did you resolve?
Posted on 12-04-2014 07:00 AM
I don't have a CPPe server in front of me right now, but can that not be locked through the CrashPlan interface? I believe there was a "device" settings area where settings can be pushed to all endpoints and locked.
Posted on 12-04-2014 07:20 AM
If you select the Organization and go to Edit -> Destinations you can choose to not inherit the settings from the parent Org and manually specify which kinds of destinations to offer.
If you disable Account Devices and local folders there it should do what you want.
In my case, i have only "Cloud" enabled in my global device defaults, but apparently it doesn't get enforced on child orgs,
but if you set it as described above it should work.
Posted on 12-04-2014 07:26 AM
Yeah, this is a CPPe admin task. It's not related to the JSS at all or a policy that would be set to limit access through Casper. @Chris is correct.
Posted on 12-05-2014 05:18 AM
We do have it set as Chris describes, but the client can still disable/change destinations.
For Example, We do not want a sales person, who is looking for another job, to be able to delete the data from the backups relating to their 'current deals'. They currently do this on their laptops and we need to make sure that the backups/archive is complete.