Posted on 01-19-2017 04:13 PM
Not sure if anyone has encountered this, but it looks like CreateUserPKG, could be broken on macOS 10.12.2, and it looks like it is no longer maintained.
As in, your account is created, but, is no longer Hidden in Sys Prefs > User & Groups....
All of the sudden in 10.12.2, the "Hidden" accounts are no longer Hidden in Sys Prefs > User & Groups.... Not good, as we do not want users knowing about / seeing these local accounts.
Posted on 01-19-2017 04:16 PM
I may wind up going this way.....
Posted on 01-19-2017 05:10 PM
@johnklimeck not sure if you saw this but it appears to work
Posted on 01-23-2017 08:18 AM
You can do this all though the command line using sudo jamf createAccount command. Something like:
sudo jamf createAccount -username USERNAME -realname REALNAME -password PASSORD -admin -hidden