Creative Cloud Packager stops downloading when not the foreground application

Valued Contributor

Has anyone else noticed this? It's drives me mad, MAD I SAY.

So bad I setup a separate mac just to download the software.


Contributor III

I keep a clean VM for CCP. When I need to make fresh Adobe package, I revert to the initial clean snapshot and package. CCP pretty much requires a clean mac so the VM route makes a somewhat slow and painful process, slightly less so.

Contributor III

I agree with @Kaltsas I have VMWare Fusion installed with a OS X guest system in different states. I just fire it up and either build a Adobe package or fire up the AutoPkgr vm to create packages for the JSS

Valued Contributor

I understand but this is specifically the Creative Cloud Packager's download of the software. Anyway, I took your advice and clean installed OSX 10.11.6 on a mac mini and installed the Creative Cloud Packager.

It's still pausing the download when the screen goes to sleep or there's no Activity on the computer. Has anyone else experienced what I'm talking about?

Contributor II

@tnielsen Yeah I did notice this. I haven't had time to look into it though, I just babysat the download, unfortunately.

Valued Contributor

@dferrara Ok great. I was worried I had been doing something terribly wrong or missing something. I'll complain to my rep ;)

Contributor II

@tnielsen No problem! It definitely never happened that way before. Let us know what they say (if anything).

Esteemed Contributor III

We have a dedicated computer we use for JSS uploads, and for CCP packaging.

We run caffeinate -w $pid (using PID of CCP) to make sure the computer doesn't go to sleep as long as CCP is launched.

Since it is a dedicated computer, no chance someone will use it for anything, so CCP (or Casper Admin) is always at the front.
