Posted on 04-19-2023 10:57 AM
For any who wants to keep Kelvin/Hue apps update to date, Creative force didn't seem to have a way of updating that the app without admin rights and the app updates a few times a month. So instead of always going updating the latest package into Jamf, here is a script to download/update the latest version. Can have it run once a week to check the versions or run when needed. For the "Hue" app just replace and "Kelvins" with it.
# Download latest yaml file for latest version number
curl -o /tmp/kelvinversion.yml
# Now check yaml file version
# Path to yaml file
# Get yaml version
version_yaml=$(awk '/^version:/ {print $2}' "$yaml_file")
# If the output of the command is empty, then the version key is not present in the YAML file
if [ -z "$version_yaml" ]; then
echo "Version information not found in the YAML file"
# If the output of the command is not empty, print the version number
echo "The version is $version_yaml"
# Set the path to the application
# Run the command to get the version information using the defaults command
version_app=$(defaults read "$app_path/Contents/Info.plist" CFBundleShortVersionString)
# If the output of the command is empty, then the application is not installed or the path is incorrect
if [ -z "$version_app" ]; then
echo "Application is not installed or the path is incorrect"
# If the output of the command is not empty, print the version number
echo "The version of Kelvin is $version_app"
# Compare the version numbers
if [[ "$version_yaml" == "$version_app" ]]; then
echo "The newest version is installed"
exit 0
echo "The newest version is not installed"
# If the versions do not match continue to install app
echo "Installing newest version"
# Get newest download url
# Set the URL and the new version number
# Extract the old version number from the URL
old_version=$(echo "$url" | sed -E 's/.*Kelvin-([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)-mac.pkg.*/\1/g')
# Replace the old version number with the new version number in the URL
new_url=$(echo "$url" | sed -E "s/Kelvin-$old_version-mac.pkg/Kelvin-$new_version-mac.pkg/g")
# Print the old and new URLs for verification
echo "Old URL: $url"
echo "New URL: $new_url"
# Download Kelvin Package
curl "$new_url" -o /tmp/installer.pkg
# Install Package
installer -pkg /tmp/installer.pkg -target /
exit 0
Posted on 04-20-2023 07:30 AM
Typo in the url for the yaml file - is the correct one
Posted on 08-21-2023 06:19 AM
Hey Tony,
I'm using your script to update Kelvin, and it works like a charm, thank you so much. This program is a otherwise a pain to keep updated.
Unfortunately Creative Force messed with the version numbers for Hue, including the stain "-legacy" (as in 4.14.0-legacy) into the YAML-file. This string shouldn't be in the download URL, and I fear I couldn't get awk to not include those characters. Is there anything you could do to help here?