CS 3, again !

Honored Contributor

So, now I am getting this error message.

Unable to complete silent work flow, error 7.

I swear this worked like three days ago when I tried it.... Fixes anyone?

Thanks in advance



Not applicable

It's the install order, if there is any piece of CS3 installed prior to
installing CS3 via a scripted install, it will fail with a error 7.


hmmm ive installed with other Cs3 installs

i install photoshop and then install illustrator later, all via self service

Criss Myers
Senior Customer Support Analyst (Mac Services)
Apple Certified Technical Coordinator v10.5
LIS Business Support Team
Library 301
University of Central Lancashire
Preston PR1 2HE
Ex 5054
01772 895054

Not applicable

OK maybe I should clarify If you use a Adobe installer for cs3 and there are
any CS3 pieces already installed, the install will fail with a error 7.



yeah i understand that, but i do this and it works fine, i create a master collection install and then separate installs for each applications with shared components, and via self install i can install 1 and then the other without any problems, is this not what you mean?


Criss Myers
Senior Customer Support Analyst (Mac Services)
Apple Certified Technical Coordinator v10.5
LIS Business Support Team
Library 301
University of Central Lancashire
Preston PR1 2HE
Ex 5054
01772 895054