Posted on 07-11-2012 08:34 AM
I have used adobe tool kit to create packages of adobe CS 6 suite and i have used the those .PKG to deploy on various different machines without any problem.
But how do I install those apps in the exception folder? Now when I used new suite package (cs6.pkg), I have only uploaded the package to Casper Admin but not any other folder.
Adobe toolkit only creates a folder with package and folders but not dmg image. Do I create this dmg file using disk utility?
Posted on 07-12-2012 06:27 AM
There is a new version of AAMEE, version 3. Adobe recommends using it to package CS 6. I have created a full install of the Master Collection but I have not fully tested the installation just yet.
Posted on 07-12-2012 07:33 AM
With this version of AAMEE, do you still leave Adobe Air and Help out of the package or can you bundle them together?
Posted on 07-12-2012 08:17 AM
Have a look at Exceptions Deployer Application
If you have a proxy server, find out whoever is responsible for its existence and do to him/her what Dale did to Brennan...
(Be mindful of the Ninja Focus)
Posted on 11-14-2012 09:06 AM
@Don lol
anyone actually get this Exceptions Deployer Application to work?
mine fails
Posted on 11-14-2012 10:04 AM
@tkimpton If you have a place to put it I can send you one of our EXCEPTIONS packages, open in Pacifist to see how it looks.
Posted on 11-14-2012 10:04 AM
Posted on 11-14-2012 10:48 AM
Thanks Don
I have an idea. I'm looking at the Adobe pkg created by AAMEE and I cannot see the exceptions folder in there. I can see how ever an exceptions folder outside the pkg.
Do I have to package up and push out the exception separately afterwards and then run the exceptions deployed command to install them?
Damn you Adobe and your poor documentation!
Posted on 11-14-2012 11:01 AM
@tkimpton Yep, package the payload and the script then during install the script is run to install the exceptions.
Got FTP?
Posted on 11-14-2012 11:13 AM
Unfortunately not :(
Thanks for the clarification. I guess I am asking too much for ..
1.a future AAMEE that includes the exceptions in say
/Library/Application/Support/Adobe/Exceptions and installs them via the command line post installation!
Posted on 11-14-2012 12:56 PM
I'd post to the AAMEE forum, the Adobe engineers respond there:
...maybe post a link to the thread here? :D
Posted on 11-14-2012 01:20 PM
Good idea. I see your on the top listing :)