Customize login/logout status to user

Contributor III

Regarding the JSS > Settings > Computer Management Framework > Login/Logout Hooks > "Display status to user during login and logout" setting, can the status that this setting displays be customized (such as to display company logo, etc)?


Not applicable

Up through Snow Leopard (10.6), yes, it was quite easy to change the loginwindow background image and replace the default Apple logo. There are quite a few utilities to do so, but the defaults command is the easiest:

defaults write /Library/Preferences/ DesktopPicture /path/to/image

Unfortunately since Lion (10.7) Apple has removed quite a lot of the functionality from the loginwindow. I have had mixed success using Loginox to create customized loginwindow backgrounds for Mountain Lion (10.8); namely, compared to the earlier OS versions, ML is nowhere near as good about intelligently centering and scaling an image.


Pete - I think he is referring to the policy status, and not the login background.

Sean - I don't recall if it shows a logo by default. If it does you could replace the default logo file. Other than that you would have to roll your own policy that shows a message using the jamfHelper binary. I think the default images are stored here: "/Library/Application Support/JAMF/bin/"