Daily Check-in Policy not enforcing Computer Naming

Valued Contributor

For years running JSS 7.x --> JSS 8.73, I had been enforcing computer naming using the "Update Inventory" policy that's built-into every Casper/JSS installation. Just have to make sure that the "Reset Computer Names" checkbox is checked in the Update Inventory policy and it was working great.

I updated to Casper 9.21 and it's looking like this is not working anymore. I've double-checked to make sure that checkbox is still checked. All the settings look correct. However, when I change the name of a computer in JSS, and then check on it the next day, its daily inventory run has changed the computer name back to the one on the client. The recon appears to be overriding this checkbox.

This is a problem. If I assign a computer to a new user, the machine needs to keep that name. JSS needs to be the authoritative namer, not the client.

Any ideas on what's going on? I may be opening up another support call with JAMF on this, but maybe one of you has experienced this and has a solution or workaround?